I fucking hate Facebook 


i was doing a little cyber stalking last night on Facebook and just got the strangest feeling come over me.  i hate the way that looking at other people’s profiles makes me feel sometimes. i find myself constantly comparing their lives to mine. the glossy photos, the upscale homes, the amazing trips.  i feel totally inadequate!

i thought I’d be somewhere different at this point in my life.  I’m turning the corner on 40 and i thought I’d be a little more accomplished.  don’t get me wrong – i love my life.  B is the biggest blessing and more of a joy than i could have ever imagined.  my fiancé has given me the world and he is the love of my life.  but somehow i thought life would be different.  i thought i would have the glossy pictures in the tre fabulous home and jetting around the world on spectacular vacations.  I’m content, until i check facebook.

i fucking hate facebook.  i hate the way it makes me feel.  i hate being jealous  i hate having envy in my heart.  i hate thinking nasty things about people.

do you ever notice that more people only put the most outlandish and ridiculously positive things on their pages?  i rarely see anyone having a bad day, or dealing with a chronic illness.  no one talks about how hard it is to be a parent or that they can have kids. who is having problems in their relationship, managing a mental illness or taking care of an ill parent.  i don’t think people are being their authentic selves.

i do this as much as anyone.  I’m only a part of my authentic self on social media.  i post pictures of B and our adventures.  i talk about how grateful i am for my life now and make funny observations.  i don’t talk about how hard life can be.  how hard it is to be a working mom.  how hard it is to manage my bipolar disorder.  i don’t let everyone in.  i don’t want to be judged…

so i think I’m going to challenge myself and be more authentic.  tell my facebook community about my definition of authenticity and that i hope to start a dialogue.  what do you think?

until tomorrow…


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3 Responses to I fucking hate Facebook 

  1. blahpolar says:

    My psychiatrist told me that none of the four shrinks at that practice use any social media at all; they see it as doing more harm than good.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dyane says:

    I took a seven-month-break from Facebook after two women unfriended me within 2 days (women who I had been very kind to – who I had encouraged and helped when they were depressed) They both had no reason to unfriend me!!! One lived 2 minutes away, and that bullshit got me extremely upset. It was a great break!!!!!! I returned last weekend and I’m overwhelmed…. :(((((

    I’m proud of you for being more authentic – I know YOU can do it! I’ll try my best too!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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